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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gun crazy 1950 - One of the most fascinating and thought-provoking crime films of its era.

IMDB rating: 7,8

Director: Joseph H. Lewis
Main Cast: Peggy Cummins, John Dall

"The definitive Joseph H. Lewis-directed melodrama, Gun Crazy is the 'Bonnie and Clyde' story retooled for the disillusioned postwar generation.
John Dall plays a timorous, emotionally disturbed World War II veteran who has had a lifelong fixation with guns. He meets a kindred spirit in carnival sharpshooter Peggy Cummins, who is equally disturbed - but a lot smarter, and hence a lot more dangerous. Beyond their physical attraction to one another, both Dall and Cummins are obsessed with firearms. They embark on a crime spree, with Cummins as the brains and Dall as the trigger man lacking the courage to kill. As they dance their last dance before dying in a hail of police bullets, the audience is half hoping that somehow they'll escape the Inevitable.
The best and most talked-about scene in Gun Crazy is the bank robbery sequence, shot in 'real time' from the back seat of Dall and Cummins' getaway car. Originally slated for Monogram release, Gun Crazy enjoyed a wider exposure when its producers, the enterprising King Brothers, chose United Artists as the distributor. The film was based on a magazine article by MacKinlay Kantor; one of the scenarists was uncredited blacklistee Dalton Trumbo." - www.allmovie.com

Download links:

(720p Blu-Ray rip, 3 GB)



(Blu-Ray rip, 700 MB)


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